Michael Stewart, Robert J. Capon, Ernest Lacey, Shaun Tennant, and Jennifer H. Gill
Journal of Natural Products, 2005, 68, 581-584.
Publication Date: March 18, 2005
An Australian isolate of Penicillium striatisporum collected near Shalvey, New South Wales, exhibited selective antifungal activity against Candida albicans versus Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioassay-directed fractionation yielded members of the rare class of fungal metabolites known as the calbistrins. These included a new example of this structure class, calbistrin E (1), as well as the known polyenes calbistrin C (2) and deformylcalbistrin A (3). Also recovered from P. striatisporum were new triene and butenolide acids, striatisporin A (4) and striatisporolide A (5), together with the known fungal metabolites versiol (6) and (+)-hexylitaconic acid (7). Structures for all metabolites were determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis.