Robert J. Capon, Joanne Ford, Ernest Lacey, Jennifer H. Gill, Kirstin Heiland, and Thomas Friedel
Journal of Natural Products, 2002, 65, 358-363.
Publication Date: March 1, 2002
Bioassay-directed fractionation of two southern Australian sponges, Phoriospongia sp. and Callyspongia bilamellata, yielded two new nematocidal depsipeptides, identified as phoriospongins A (1) and B (2). The structures of the phoriospongins were determined by detailed spectroscopic analysis and comparison with the previously reported sponge depsipeptide cyclolithistide A (3), as well as ESIMS and HPLC analysis of acid hydrolysates. It is noteworthy that the unique and yet structurally related metabolites 1−3 are found in sponges spanning three taxonomic orders, Poescilosclerida, Haplosclerida, and Lithistida.