BioAustralis is the world’s leading shopfront for rare microbial metabolites. From MST’s library of 12,500 compounds, BioAustralis sells >5,000 known metabolites, semi-synthetic derivatives and synthetic small molecules as high purity reagents for laboratory use.
MST’s strength in discovering novel metabolites is matched by our re-discovery of rare but known antibiotics, antifungals, anti-tumor agents and a host of other bioactives lost to science.
Many metabolites represent opportunities for repurposing known actives, while others have hitherto undiscovered biological roles.
A recurring theme is ‘lost antibiotics’, reviving novel metabolites that fell into disfavor and were never pursued commercially.
BioAustralis is the original producer of many rare metabolites, e.g. pladienolide B, calphostin C and the reveromycins.
If you are unable to find your target metabolite, contact us and we may have holdings in our much larger chemical library.
BioAustralis products are not for human or animal use.